Thursday, April 11, 2013

Learn What To Do With Your Kombucha After Your Brew Is Done |

Our Kombucha Series

We are half way through our kombucha series!  In a few days you will be enjoying some delicious and healthy kombucha.
Here is a list of our full kombucha series:
  1. What is kombucha and why is it so healthy for you? {Part 1}
  2. Learn how to brew kombucha with this easy step by step tutorial. {Part 2}
  3. My kombucha is done, now what?…And how to bottle kombucha tea {Part 3}
  4. A collection of kombucha recipes {Part 4} Coming soon…

Where To Purchase A Kombucha Starter Kit

If you are just getting started, make sure that you buy your kombucha starter kit from a reliable source.
  • I got my starter kit from Sara at Healthy Families For God and I have to tell you, it is by far the BEST price out there!  I ordered it and in just a few short days it was on my doorstep!
So lets dive into todays lesson, my kombucha is done, now what…and how to bottle your kombucha tea.

Your Brew Is Finally Done Fermenting, Now What? 

Yes, your brew has FINALLY finished fermenting and you have the desired taste that you are looking for…now what?  There are several simple steps to follow and in a few short days you will be enjoying your first homemade kombucha!
There are several thing to note:
  • Do not use anything metal from this point on.  Use plastic utensils and a plastic funnel.  Metal will react with the kombucha.
  • Before you remove your SCOBY, sanitize your hands with white vinegar.  Do NOT use soap, you could kill your SCOBY.
  • Sanitize you botttle with hot water or white vinegar.  I ran mine through the dishwasher with no soap, just hot water.
  • Clear glass ONLY!  You can buy clear bottles here.  These bottles are the exact bottles that I use, and I love them!
Ok, now that we have the basics covered, lets start bottling some kombucha!

Removing the SCOBY

The first thing you want to do is remove the SCOBY from your kombucha.  Note that I have the “mother” SCOBY and a “baby” SCOBY.  The original SCOBY that you used has created a baby.  You need to remove both of these.  Simple reach in with your clean hands and remove the two SCOBY cultures.
Learn What To Do With Your Kombucha After Your Brew Is Done |
Your mother and baby might still be attached like this one.  You can either leave them attached or pull them apart.
Learn What To Do With Your Kombucha After Your Brew Is Done |
Here is what your SCOBY will look like after you have removed it from the kombucha tea.  Simple put it in a clean jar with 1/2-2/3 cups of tea from this batch cover with a lid and store in your pantry until you are ready to brew your next batch of tea.  This is called a SCOBY hotel.
I just take my SCOBY and 2/3 cups starter (tea from this batch) and place it into a clean jar and start the process all over again and start brewing a new batch.  The baby SCOBY I passed on to my neighbor so she can start her first brew.
Learn What To Do With Your Kombucha After Your Brew Is Done |

What’s That Stuff Floating In My Kombucha?

When you are adding starter tea to your SCOBIES, you might notice some sediment in your jar of tea or some stingy like substances hanging off your ladle…This is NORMAL and is harmless!
If this bothers you, simply run your kombucha through a sieve or sifter and this will remove all of your floating objects from you kombucha.  I leave mine in the tea.  You get use to it the more you drink the kombucha!  :-)
Learn What To Do With Your Kombucha After Your Brew Is Done |

Bottling Your Kombucha

Now place a funnel into your clean bottle and pour your kombucha right into the bottle.  Fill the bottle almost to the top, leaving a maximum headspace of 1″ or less.  The less you have the more carbonation that you will have.
Please note, NEVER shake kombucha it can explode.  The higher you fill the bottle, the more likely you are going to need to burp your kombucha to relieve the gas bubbles a bit.
Learn What To Do With Your Kombucha After Your Brew Is Done |
Once you have filled your kombucha bottles, place the lid on your kombucha.  You have three options from this point.
  1. You can drink the kombucha as is and put in the refrigerator.  It will have less fizz with this method but still taste amazing.
  2. You can cap the kombucha and store in a warm, dark place and allow it to sit for 2-3 days.  This will create a really fizzy kombucha.
  3. You can make kombucha soda (recipe coming in final post in this series).
If you decide to ferment your kombucha to get it a bit more fizzy, simply place the cap on the kombucha and store in a warm, dark place for 2-3 days.  I stored mine in the pantry.

Where Do I Store My Kombucha?

After 2-3 days remove your kombucha from the pantry (or your dark warm place) and place in the refrigerator.  If your kombucha developed a baby SCOBY in the bottle, remove and toss and then drink.
Do not leave your kombucha in the pantry past the 2-3 day period.  It is very important to move it to the refrigerator.  This will stop the fermentation process completely.
That is it!  You now know how to make your own kombucha!  Not hard at all, was it?!!
Later this week we will dive into making kombucha “soda” (so easy to make) and I will also have a great list of amazing kombucha recipes for you all to try.
Learn What To Do With Your Kombucha After Your Brew Is Done |

What is Kombucha Tea ?

What is Kombucha Tea? The fermented beverage called Kombucha Tea is comprised of four simple ingredients. It is mad from tea and sugar, with the addition of a symbiotic culture made from bacteria and yeast called SCOBY. A Scoby is comparable to the mother that is used to create vinegar. The end product of the fermentation process that this mixture goes through is a fizzy beverage that supposedly offers a number of health benefits. It is easy to make your own batch of this tea right in your own kitchen.
Process for Making Your Own Kombucha Tea
Check out the information below on how to make kombucha tea at home.
1 cup of granulate sugar
3 1/2 quarts of filtered water
2 cups of kombucha starter tea (either bought in a neutral flavor and unpasteurized or from your last batch)
2 Tablespoons of black loose tea or 8 tea bags
1 SCOBY (it can be made (recipe is online) or bought in the store) for each jar of tea
You will also need a stockpot large enough to hold the ingredients, 1 one-gallon glass jar for mixing and fermentation. Then for storing, 6 sixteen-ounce glass bottles with lids that fit securely.

Make the tea by boiling the water and taking it off the heat to add the sugar. Once the sugar is thoroughly dissolved, add the tea and let it steep until the water is cool. This could take awhile, if you let it happen just at room temperature. You could use an ice bath if necessary to cool it faster.
After the tea is cool enough, strain the mixture or remove the bags of tea. Pour in the starter tea at this point. This will turn the mixture acidic and will keep harmful bacteria for growing during the fermentation process.
Pour mixture into jar so that the SCOBY can be added. Gently place the SCOBY into the jar and cover with layers cheesecloth securing them in place with string or a large rubber band. Let it sit at room temperature in a place where it will not be bothered or be in direct sunlight for about 7 to 10 days so it can ferment properly.
Before removing the SCOBY, mix another batch up, that you can transfer the SCOBY to it directly from your fermented batch. You may have to trim part of the under layer of it off though, as it may have become quite thick. Make sure your hands are clean before touching the SCOBY and have a clean tray or plate handy to hold it in between transferring it to new batch.
When the kombucha tea is finished fermenting, then it is time to transfer it to smaller bottles and cap. Before you do this though, take out some starter for your next batch of this tea. At this point, you could choose to add flavorings such as fruit, herbs or juice, but this is optional.

Possible Health Benefits of Kombucha Tea
This tea provides helpful probiotics to your body as part of the possible health benefits for the body. Other benefits are said to be improving your immune system, liver function, and digestive system.
Possible Unpleasant Side Effects
Even though, there are some benefits touted about this tea there are also, some unpleasant side effects reported from time to time and these include:
Allergic reactions
Stomach upset
Now, that you know the answer to “What is Kombucha Tea”, go slow with this tea until you see how your body reacts to it. If you have no adverse reactions, then drink a moderate amount each day. Remember that it does contain caffeine, so you can overdo it in that area, if you drink too high a quantity in one day.

Local company hopes to capitalize on Kombucha craze

Maxime Boivin from Barroco mixes a cocktail at RISE Kombucha's recent event. Courtesy
Maxime Boivin from Barroco mixes a cocktail at RISE Kombucha's recent event.
Published on April 5, 2013
When Westmounter Julian Giacomelli joined RISE Kombucha four years ago, few people outside of a very small group of health-conscious specialty-store shoppers had heard of Kombucha, a fermented carbonated tea beverage that purports to energize and aid digestion.
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Today, Kombucha is all the rage, having to take its place on grocery-store shelves amid a multitude of health beverages, and Montreal-based RISE is feeling the flush of success.
Nevertheless, Giacomelli insists that Kombucha is no fad, and that it's like nothing else available on the shelves.
"It's raw, it's organic, and it's actually alive," he said.  "It's not pasteurized or processed in any way. There is nothing else like it that you can buy, and people really love the way it makes them feel."
He explains the product's health claims: that the yeast and bacteria in the tea are a probiotic, which, like yogurts and other fermented products, can help aid digestion, detoxify, and return the body to its natural PH balance.
Judging by sales, many members of the public agree, and their support has helped propel RISE to new heights.  In recent years, they have expanded outside of Quebec, making footholds in British Columbia and Ontario, and Crudessence Kombucha inc, the makers of the product, have recently signed a deal with Abbatis Corp to begin distributing the product in the United States.
Giacomelli says that sales – now up to 500,000 bottles a year – have doubled every year since the company began five years ago.
A recent launch event for the brand's two new flavours – Mint Chlorophyll and Rose Schizandra, featured celebrity 'mixologists' competing  to see who could create the most appealing cocktails, both alcoholic and virgin, using the products.
The event's title – "Why I Rise" -- is a feel-good message designed to highlight what Giacomelli says are the company's 'post-2012' values of corporate responsibility and social engagement.
"We are a brand that tries to give more than it takes," he said. "We are an organic, fair trade, conscious commerce.  We try to be good neighbours.  We use local suppliers, support community ventures, and provide good jobs."
"It's raw, it's organic, and it's actually alive," he said. "It's not pasteurized or processed in any way." -
He said that the company, which employs about 60 people, is a good example of the type of business thriving in the current market: "Sustainable, but ambitious."
And he believes that Montreal, a city not exactly known for its flourishing business climate in recent years, may be on the head of a new wave.
"I am hugely proud that this is a Montreal-based company," said the Westmounter, who had to leave Canada for years to find good business opportunities.
"I think that a lot of socially, environmental business stuff will be coming out of Quebec in the next few years," he said. "There's been an awakening here, and a ripeness for new things."

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